
Public participation takes many forms and has many names. From citizens participating in public decision-making to bottom-up initiatives on community-based projects. 


It is clear that meeting societal challenges that emerge in transitioning towards a sustainable future requires effective participation of citizens. It is unclear however, how this can be achieved. 


The Public Participation Center focuses on three goals

Stimulate and build theoratical and emperical knowlede. The Public Participation Center aims to investigate social support for sustainable transitions.

Building knowledge on participation between researchers from different disciplines. Currently, the organisations involved in the Public Participation Center are the University of Groningen, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, other knowledge institutes on national and international level, New Energy Coalition and other public and private parties that apply this knowlegde in pratice.

Launching the center on participation in relation to energy. Specific questions from practice are gathered that form the base for research questions, in particular from the network of New Energy Coalition. Some examples are the importance of public participation in (green)gas, hydrogen, geothermal, wind and solar projects.

New Energy Coalition and the University of Groningen will work out real-life challenges with public participation into research questions. Knowledge will be transferred on a bachelor, master and post-academic level in education and via several events on public participation in different sectors. 

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