Citizens' Council Symposium for Northern Netherlands

28 March 2024, 13.30 - 16.30 | Forum Groningen | free entrance

You are cordially invited to the Citizens’ Council Symposium for Northern Netherlands. An interactive afternoon in which we will discuss citizen forums in detail from science and practice with the help of various top speakers (see below and in the appendix). What exactly is the instrument? What is involved? What does it cost? What opportunities and pitfalls are there?


Citizen forums are receiving a lot of attention under names such as citizens’ council, citizens’ forum, residents’ council and citizens’ assembly. It is seen as an important new form of citizen participation and addition to representative democracy. Potentially a useful and connecting tool, but at the same time complicated and not always suitable. We share the latest insights and experiences. It is not about as many citizen meetings as possible but about high-quality citizen meetings.

Be welcome! For more information, the full program and registration, click here

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